Mongolian Wrestling

The Naadam wrestling competition begins after the opening ceremony and continues for two days until only one champion remains from over 500 wrestlers! While thrilling for locals, this event can be confusing and boring for some visitors, as most do not know the rules and therefore may not be able to fully appreciate Mongolian wrestling. However, wrestling is the most interesting and famous traditional sport in Mongolia. The Mongolian government officially awards national titles to the wrestlers; therefore, only the most prominent wrestlers compete in the State or Ulaanbaatar’s Naadam. Wrestlers wear special clothes which show the beauty and strength of their bodies. There is no categorization according to weight and the basic rule of wrestling is the number of wrestlers must be equal. Usually, 512 wrestlers compete in 9 elimination rounds for two days. Occasionally there are 1,024 wrestlers competing for 10 elimination rounds during special anniversary years. The number of wrestlers decreases by half after each round.

Since there is no weight category in Mongolian wrestling, spectators will see many huge, experienced veterans wrestle with young amateurs. This is because the wrestlers are listed and matched according to their rank from the top down; this rule applies to the 1st, 2nd, and 4th rounds. Some may find it is unfair, as the experienced wrestlers easily defeat the lowest-ranked wrestlers. The matches between equally-ranked wrestlers listed in the middle ranks are the most competitive.
The higher-ranking wrestlers choose from lower ranking wrestlers as their competitors in all the other rounds (3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 9th). The winners remain for the next round while the loser leaves the competition. The competition will continue in this manner until the very last round. No need to worry about the low-ranking wrestlers though; there are many such young wrestlers who eventually go on to great fame, even national titles! The State/Ulaanbaatar Naadam awards the national titles while the town and province Naadams award province and town titles. Low-ranking wrestlers have a chance to wrestle well during other big celebrations within provincial and town Naadams, where they can gain the province titles and advance in rank for the next State Naadam.
About Ulaanbaatar Naadam, the first two rounds of wrestling are held on 11 July. Guests need not spend the whole day watching wrestling as there are archery and ankle bone shooting games in the same area. If visitors’ schedules allow time for Naadam only on 11 July, then the afternoon wrestling will be more interesting.

How Many Rounds in Mongolia Wrestling and Wrestler’s Tittles.

The wrestler titles differ depending on if it is the State Naadam or provincial Naadam or town Naadam. Also. depend on which round the wrestlers win and also depending on their previous title, they receive a new title. The competition becomes more interesting round by round. The wrestlers’ titles are named for birds of prey and strong animals, including the titles of Falcon, Elephant, Hawk, Garuda, Lion, and Champion. The wrestlers’ gestures imitating the animals’ movements are fan favorites as well. The followings are the state Naadam tittles prized in different rounds.

FIFTH ROUND IS FALCONN ROUND The most entertaining wrestling starts in the 5th round on the second day of the Naadam Festival. This round is interesting because the national titles are awarded from the 5th round, and it becomes even more competitive. The 5th round is a round of Falcon titles, the lowest national title.

SIXT ROUND IS KHARTSAGA ROUND The tournament become more competitive Well-trained wrestlers remained after the challenging 5 rounds. Viewing the 6th round is fun. New Falcons from the 5th round wrestle fearless after the stressful 5 rounds. They show courageous tricks, tactics, and speed. The Falcons can confirm their title and gain a new title of Khartsaga (Kestrel) on this round. This is the most exciting part of the Naadam.

SEVENTH ROUND IS ELEPHANT ROUND The most prominent 8 wrestlers of the 512 left in this round. They are purposing to win the Naadam wrestling. So, they do not make any risky tricks or movement. They tend to wait if their opponent let them have a chance to make tricks or if the opponents make careless movements. In particular, those who are confident in their endurance do not make any movements intentionally. Instead, the hold and press the opponent to make him tired while waiting for his chance. Sometimes, the non-efficient wrestling continues more than 20 minutes. The judges draw who will choose his preferred grab if the wrestling continues more than 20 minutes. It switches to the opponent’s preferred grab if the lucky one does not succeed. The 7th round is a tournament of Elephant title. However, many of the wrestlers already gained Elephant titles or even higher titles. Maybe one or two wrestlers are aiming at the Elephant titles. The main attractions of the audiences are on them.

EIGTH ROUND IS GARID ROUND– a heavenly bird of a fairytale. It is on the evening of 12 July. The viewer is excited, waiting, and praying. It is the same at home. Everybody is in front of the TV. Only four prominent wrestlers left. However, they might be tired because of the 7th round endurance wrestling. The ones who rested for some time while waiting for the other’s wrestling on the round 7th could have more chances to make active tricks. However, it depends on their pre-training. If someone wins the first time in the 8th round, he will get the title of Garid, a heavenly bird of a fairytale. But, the wrestlers have more interests in the upcoming 9th round rather than the new Garid’s title. If one wrestle active and makes fast tricks, it will be one the exciting moment of the viewers with yells and shouts. The viewers keep talking about such wrestling techniques and his training even long after the Festival

NINTH ROUND-THE WINNER ROUND Every Mongolian is proud to celebrate the Naadam Festival. It is the most beautiful Naadam for some people while it could be a so-so Naadam for the others. It depends on if the Naadam’s new titled wrestlers, archers, and awarded racing horses are from someone’s native province or not. The 9th round is the round of the winner. If one wins the first time at the state Naadam of the 512 wrestlers, he will be titled Leon. If the one is a former Leon, then he earns the Champion title. If a Champion wins, title double such as Double Champion/Avarga and Triple Champion/Dalai Avarga, etc. 1024 wrestlers compete if the Naadam coincides with any anniversary. Either the first time winner of the 1024 wrestlers is titled as Champion/Avarga. Mongolian President rewards the two finalists. Yells, shouts, and whistles of the spectators rock the stadium. Happy co-trainers, native area wrestlers and viewers of the winner lift the winners. This is a Mongolian Naadam.

The Province and Town Wresting Title

The province Naadam Festival has 8 rounds. The highest title is a Province Leon/Aimgiin Arsland while the town Naadams Festival has 7 rounds. The highest title is a Town Elephant/Sumiin Zaan.

How to Know Who is the Winner? Mongolian Wrestling Techniques.

In Mongolian wrestling, one wins when any part of his opponent’s body touches the ground other than the sole of the feet and palms of the hands. The Mongolian term for defeat is translated as “knee-dirted” or “Uvdug shoroodoh”. The wrestling starts and continues from a standing position and the wrestlers’ hand may touch any part of the body, but wrestlers must be respectful of each other’s heads. It is easy to notice if the winners grab the opponents and let him “knee-dirt”. Many air techniques are done without touching the opponent. The loser should release the belt of his top dress and walk under the right arm of the winner. However, they often do not perform like this. Sometimes, the winner goes under the right arm of the loser if the loser is older or a higher-ranking wrestler. The loser should accept his defeat in the courteous manner of a true sportsman.

How to Recognize Rank Among Wrestlers?

The wrestlers’ hats have red ribbons and some of them have yellow lines. The number of yellow lines indicate rank, the more lines, the higher the rank. Spectators enjoy trying to recognize the wrestlers because they leave their hats with the coaches while competing. People appreciate when the higher ranking wrestlers win but if they fall or are strongly challenged by lower ranking or young wrestlers, the real Naadam starts. People excitedly wait for new champions and new title winners.
There are no weight divisions in Mongolian wrestling. Balance and agility are more important than brute strength. Spectators witness enormous men wrestling with small and short guys; however, it is not all about the big guys or high-ranking wrestlers defeating the inexperienced or lower-ranking wrestlers. Long-term wrestling viewers notice who is going to do well on Naadam by analyzing their body shape and movements. Matches are not held to a strict time limit, but some bouts can be over in a matter of a few seconds. The leaner and more muscular competitors are good at close maneuvers and tricky wrestling, while the thicker athletes are good at endurance. Try to find good wrestlers to follow observing their movements, body shape, stability, and confidence.

Mongolian Wrestling Costume

The wrestlers’ costumes consist of traditional boots featuring upturned toes, a pointed-top traditional hat, a short, open-chest jacket with long sleeves and a short trunk. Mongolian wrestling outfit is made of top quality silk, leathers, felt and rope. Red and light blue colors are commonly used for the jackets and trunks to symbolize the blue sky, freedom, strength and advancement, also featured on the national flag of Mongolia. The wrestler’s hat has four sides mostly decorated with symbolic animals according to the wrestlers’ titles, as well as red ribbons hanging down. The color and numbers of lines on the hat ribbons indicates the title of the wrestler. Naadam is also called “Eriin Gurban Naadam” meaning “three manly sports” and women were traditionally not allowed to take part in the past; however, women now participate in the archery and horse racing, and are most impressive! There is a tale that Mongolian wrestlers once wore clothes covering more of their bodies. However, a women dressed as a man won in the competition and was later revealed to be a lady. As a result, the wrestling costume of today is open-chested.

Can a Tourist Wrestle in a Tournament?

The Mongolian Wrestling Association is the organizer of state and provincial Naadam Festival wrestling tournament. The Association works all year round to watch and register every wrestler’s records and success in some significant tournaments, which is the main criteria of the Naadam Festival wrestlers. In some soums, towns, and other smaller wrestling locations such as Ulaanbaatar’s Wrestling Palace, tourists may participate. The most tourist-friendly and beautiful Naadam Festival takes place near Khuvsgul Lake in the town of Hatgal in northern Mongolia.

Source: View Mongolia Travel

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