PTI Challenges By-Polls In K-P On Vacated Seats

The petition stated that the election scheduled for NA 22, 24 and 31 posits that the by-elections would be held on April 30.

However, the petitioners argued, elections cannot be held 120 days before the general elections.

“If the government was serious about holding elections, it would have announced a date within 120 days,” the PTI said.

The petition stated that by-elections will not only be a waste of money but also be a deviation from the Constitution. It further stated that many other constitutional problems were likely to arise from following the schedule as well.

The party also maintained that the resignations were never individually verified, thereby expressing reservations over the acceptance of the resignations that had left the National Assembly seats vacant in the first place.

Earlier this week, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) had called off by-elections in 37 National Assembly constituencies in light of the decisions of the high courts concerned.

The by-elections had been triggered after National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervaiz Ashraf had accepted the resignations of PTI lawmakers earlier this year.

A total of 123 PTI MNAs resigned en masse on April 11 last year – two days after party Chairman Imran Khan was removed from the post of the prime minister through a no-confidence vote.

On January 17, the speaker accepted the resignations of 34 PTI lawmakers, and one member of the Awami League (AML), an ally of the PTI. Three days later, 35 more resignations were accepted, including one of AML chief Sheikh Rashid.

On January 25, the ECP de-notified 43 PTI lawmakers and two days later announced the by-elections to 33 National Assembly seats on March 16. It also announced 31 more by-polls for March 19 in February.

Source: Tribune

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