PWD Proposes Anti-erosion Wall Along Murud Beach

The Public Works Department (PWD) has proposed the construction of an 1,200 metre-long anti-erosion bund at Murud beach in Raigad district, aimed at protecting the shoreline from erosion.

This project is expected to cost Rs 3.3 crore. The PWD has recently issued a tender for this project, and interested agencies can participate in the pre-bid meeting scheduled at 3 pm on October 27 at its Fort headquarters.

Before proceeding with the project, the PWD had submitted a proposal to the Maharashtra Coastal Zone Management Authority (MCZMA) for environmental clearance.

The MCZMA has reviewed the proposal and recommended it to the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) for further consideration. This recommendation is based on the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) perspective.

The MCZMA has instructed the PWD to carry out the proposed work in compliance with CRZ norms. It had emphasized the need to protect natural geomorphological features such as sand dunes, turtle breeding sites, and mangroves during the construction process. This is to ensure that the local ecosystem is not disturbed.

Zoru Bhathena, a Mumbai-based activist, has expressed concern about the project. He believes that similar anti-erosion walls are being constructed at various beaches in Mumbai. Bhathena’s concern is that these walls, meant to protect beaches, may actually be contributing to problems. He argues that construction at natural sites disrupts the local ecosystem.

Source: The Indian Express

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