Smart Bangladesh is Only Possible Through Sustainable Development

There is no questioning Bangladesh’s development in the last year and a half. Yet, as this newspaper has questioned numerous times, at what cost was such development achieved? The effects of Bangladesh’s unsustainable practices, from unchecked urbanization to complete disregard for the environment, are now being felt. 

To that end however, it is encouraging to see Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina herself take the lead on this issue; earlier this, she urged authorities to keep the preservation of the environment in mind while undertaking any development plan while also acknowledging that it is regrettable that the country’s development programs were not taken up in a planned way in the past.

As we forge ahead into the future and attempt to build Smart Bangladesh, it is imperative that our nation embraces a model of development that not only fosters economic prosperity but also preserves the fragile ecosystems that sustain us.

One of the pressing issues demanding immediate attention is the state of waste management. Bangladesh must invest in comprehensive waste management systems. A shift towards a circular economy will not only mitigate environmental degradation but also create new avenues for economic growth.

Our rivers and water bodies have long been grappling with pollution and depletion and it is high time we recognize the value of these water bodies and implement stringent measures to rejuvenate them. 

Unplanned urbanization and unchecked industrial expansion have certainly left scars on our landscape. As we embark on new projects, it is crucial to integrate sustainability into our development plans. Green infrastructure, energy efficiency, and biodiversity conservation should be at the forefront.

Bangladesh’s aspirations of being Smart Bangladesh are well known by now, and if we are to be successful, there is no alternative to sustainable development. 

Source : DhakaTribune

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