Tajikistan, Azerbaijan vow to boost cooperation between their capital cities

Tajikistan’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilhom Abdurahmon, on January 15 met in Azerbaijan’s capital, Baku, with Mr. Eldar Azizov, the head of the Baku City Executive Power. 

The Tajik MFA information department says the two discussed state and prospects of further expansion of bilateral cooperation between the capital cities of the two countries. 

Abdurahmon and Azizov, in particular, exchanged views on ways to expand views between the capitals of Tajikistan and Baku in economic, cultural, humanitarian and sports fields as well as issues related to conducting visits with the participation of delegations from the cities of Dushanbe and Baku, as well as organizing joint events.

Recall, Dushanbe and Baku became sister cities in March 2022.  During his official visit to Azerbaijan, Majlisi Milli (Tajikistan’s upper chamber of parliament) Speaker Rustam Emomali, who is also the Mayor of Dushanbe, on March 3, 2022 met in Baku with Eldar Azizov, the Mayor of Baku.  The negotiations between them resulted in signing of a sister agreement between the capitals of the two countries.

Source: Asia Plus 

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